Monday, May 7, 2007

T-Minus 2 days...

...Until I depart for Peru. Yes kids, its that time around my house where I try to spend as much time with my girlfriend as possible, squeeze a call into my parents, and pack up 12 pairs of socks into Ziplock bag at 7:00am while watching 24 (that's my morning!).

I'm both excited and nervous - obviously, I'm excited for spending 10 days around Peru with Thom, trying to be as scrubby as possible. But nervous because I took French in high school, when I really should have piled into Mr. DeMeo's Spanish class (before he got fired). I spent the waning hours last night laying in bed while Heather taught me how to count in Spanish. Plus, I haven't traveled to a 'developing' nation since I came back from Africa 5 years ago, so my sense of adventure may be a little blunted. We'll see how I handle the first few hours in Lima...

More to come later, but for now, check this out to see more granola folks like I'm going to be, and to see the other places that I'll be heading to.

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