Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spanish Keyboards

So I made it. Not much has happened, although my initial, romantic plans for the start of my trip didn´t really turn out. Before I start this post, I will say that these damn spanish keyboards have too many symbols that aren´t in the right place, so you all just have to deal with it.

Let´s see...well, arriving in Peru at 4am didn´t go as expected. I had this idea of going through customs, getting my bags and by the time I´d leave the airport, it´d be about 6am - the perfect time to watch the sun rise on the beach. Alas, it was not to be. Instead, it was an early landing in Peru at 3:45am, bags at 4am, and out on the streets at 4:30. Thom warned me about the cabs at the airport, and told me that he paid about $13 to get downtown in an official cab. Well, of course, the only official cabs I see are asking for $28 and being the tourist, I pay up only to see a cheaper official cab right outside. Damn you Peru!

Peru 1 Paul 0

The cab driver (who spoke english very well) kept saying, are you sure you don´t want to stay at a hostel. Well, needless to say, when I saw the deserted streets, the cloudy skies and the fact that NOTHING was open, I second guessed my trip to the beach. Instead, I got a room at a fairly nice hotel and went watched tv. I will say though, that having 100 cable channels was pretty awesome. Between all of the Peruvian movie channels, I had a virtual Saturday afternoon TNT lineup - I caught the end of American Beauty and the middle of Forest Gump. All I needed was to see Shawshank Redemption or the Green Mile and I would have been right back at home. I´ll give Peru a half point on that one.

Peru 1.5 Paul 0

Looks like I´ll have to bargin extra hard for that alpaca sweater to make up for it...

Funny story before I end this boring post - I´m typing up an email to my parents, and Thom Googlechats me from an internet cafe a block from here. Yea technology!

Ok, I´m off to find Thom and actually leave my hotel....

1 comment:

Ryan Kuhn said...

This sounds like Rich's (my roommate from college for those who don't know) bachelor party in Ocean City, Maryland when it poured and poured and poured all day, and we stayed in the hotel all day and watched VH-1. Yeah, we drove all the way down there to watch VH-1 (though, not as good as TNT).